Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I´m not very green

It may sound carefree, but the truth is that I am not very friend of nature and is not a subject of mine I think it is a family and even social topic, in my house we never had a culture or love to the "green", therefore is a subject beyond my own will, but I´ve always had good intentions with the environment in the way that I am a person who does not like pollution and generally care enough to not throw trash on the ground or maintain clean my house. For example one of the things I like to do is to recycle different things and give new use but for now all takes place in the trash can, I think it is because it is much more comfortable, but not for the environment.
One of the thing that stands out most in my life is that I like outdoor sports and usually use the bicycle to transport me to different places, my friend´s houses, or visiting family and to save some money, but example I´ve never participated in a bicycle ride or any sports organization or environmental, basically because I dont have time to do this one day but I think.
For now these are my greatest achievements regarding environmental issues, I hope at some point in my life to bring a lot more to improve the quiality of life of Santiago, which incidentally does not perform many activities to protect the green of our country.

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