Wednesday, 23 October 2013

The Leather rebels

I´m going to talk about a band called Judas Priest.
They are a heavy metal band from England. Their music is an influence for many bands of rock, because they are a pionners and innovators of the classic rock and roll, making differents songs: faster, hard, darkness, and other slow, sadness and happyness. In 1991 they made "Painkiller", this album  is considered the best  of the heavymetal history.

I listen to their music when I was a child for influence of my uncles, for this reason his rythms are special for me. Thanks to them I can remember so many differents moments about my life. For example the song "Breaking the Law" that I loved, remember to me when I was in the Highschool and play this song in a festival of rock bands, since in this time I have a metal band that make covers of different bands and now I play the bass in a Thrash metal band.

They are famous because his members used leather clothings and his singer have a fantastic vocal register.

Judas Priest Live Aid 1985

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

I´m not very green

It may sound carefree, but the truth is that I am not very friend of nature and is not a subject of mine I think it is a family and even social topic, in my house we never had a culture or love to the "green", therefore is a subject beyond my own will, but I´ve always had good intentions with the environment in the way that I am a person who does not like pollution and generally care enough to not throw trash on the ground or maintain clean my house. For example one of the things I like to do is to recycle different things and give new use but for now all takes place in the trash can, I think it is because it is much more comfortable, but not for the environment.
One of the thing that stands out most in my life is that I like outdoor sports and usually use the bicycle to transport me to different places, my friend´s houses, or visiting family and to save some money, but example I´ve never participated in a bicycle ride or any sports organization or environmental, basically because I dont have time to do this one day but I think.
For now these are my greatest achievements regarding environmental issues, I hope at some point in my life to bring a lot more to improve the quiality of life of Santiago, which incidentally does not perform many activities to protect the green of our country.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Summary of article “Gravity director Alfonso Cuarón reveals studio pressure to change story".

In the article entitled “Gravity director Alfonso Cuarón reveals studio pressure to change story" ( 2013),  the author reveals details of the production process of the gravity film, written and directed by the Mexican director Alfonso Cuarón . These details were extracted from the same director in a interview with the web site:  There Cuarón told about the problems that he had to go throught to create the screenplay of the movie like the pressure of the executives for give them other characteristic to the story and  the characters including romances, and magnificent scenes with explosions, other enemies and more action that are unnecessary for the real intentions about the film.

My ideal job would be…

Thinking about future, I would be a Film director. I Think that I have different knowledge about the cinema, specifically in the actors direction and expressing  that I want for the films. But now I need to learn so much mainly in the different departaments because a great director have the obligation to know all about the film like photography, ilumination, sound, art, editing, post production. Every departament is very complex because needs specific knowledges and I dont know everything that I need for be good.  At this moments  I can say what  I want, but I cant say how I want it.

I would be good in this job because I like express my thoughts, my dreams, and my aspirations in all sense in the life and this is the essential about this job: “The comunication”.

In the reality is very difficult find this kind of job specifically in chile because the production of films are very small, but I have hope that one day I will arrive to the climax of my life like a good director, like the best director.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

My skills

One of the skills I need to master this year is the ability to use a software edition, because I study cinema and television, and editing is one of the most important part for creating a movie or any related material . In this part the editor gives to the movie a new meaning and usually the movie-assembly is what finish the film. The only way to improve this skill is editing over and over to acquire enough experience. There is also a theoretical part which is very important, but generally all I need is time. Time to sit on a computer, time to spend hours reviewing material and time to edit, but that's the big problem I do not have time. If there were the possibility to buy time would be much easier for me, but this is impossible. Finally I think my solution for what I need will come next summer, where I will no longer go to college that occupies most of my time and I hope to have the help of my books and my computer to keep everything going well.